Ryan has consulted with the HR leaders of some of the largest and most well known companies in the world. He shares his thoughts on being a “learn it all” rather than a “know it all”, discusses the importance of keeping your ego in check, and details his “act as if you are on the same team” style of communication.

Key takeaways:

  • 00:00 – Intro
  • 00:36- Background
  • 2:15 – What does the term “communication skills” mean to you?
  • 3:55 – What does it mean to you to be a “great communicator”?
  • 9:35 – What communication skills are companies looking for now, as opposed to 18 months ago, in employees to be effective in this new blended work environment?
  • 15:30 – What communication skills have you developed over the years that have led to your success?
  • 18:39 – How do you accomplish the goal of team cohesion?
  • 22:05 – Who is someone that you idealize as a good communicator?
  • 25:20 – Advice for someone early in their career

About Ryan Dunn:

Ryan Dunn has an extensive background and experience in leadership development and business to business sales, including multiple startups. He’s a consultative partner and trusted advisor to C-Suite decision makers across the Fortune 500 and is known as a thought leader in the corporate learning, leadership, coaching, and talent management space.

Additional resources:

► Follow Communispond on LinkedIn for more communication skills tips: https://www.linkedin.com/company/communispond
► Connect with Scott D’Amico on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottdamico/
► Connect with Ryan Dunn on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan-dunn-a5790b1/
► Subscribe to the podcast: https://communicast.simplecast.com/
► Download the ProSpeak® app. Providing users with instant feedback on presentation and communication skills.
– Apple: https://apple.co/3jTJbqe
– Android: https://bit.ly/3buYqRT

Could you or your organization benefit from virtual or in-person communication skills training? Contact us: https://anotherbrilliantidea.com/contact/