Just graduating or going through a midlife crisis? Ask questions. Trying to take your career to the next level? Ask questions.
Check out this episode with Matt Baxter, CEO of HR Tech company Wedge, to hear Matt’s advice around asking questions, why he believes people are more than just a resume, and how knocking on doors while building his lawncare company as a teenager helped get him to where he is today.
I hope you enjoy!
Additional Resources:
► Follow Communispond on LinkedIn for more communication skills tips: https://www.linkedin.com/company/communispond
► Connect with Scott D’Amico on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottdamico/
► Connect with Alex Resnick on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattcbaxter
► Subscribe to the podcast: https://communicast.simplecast.com/
► Download the ProSpeak® app. Providing users with instant feedback on presentation and communication skills.
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